Proverbs 19 vs 2a: Desire without knowledge is not good.
Desire is wanting or wishing for something earnestly.
Knowledge is the fact of knowing about something; general understanding or familiarity with a subject, place, situation etc.
In life, desiring for something be it a good paying job, a blooming business, an amazing marriage, a great result in academics, a stable prayer life, an intimate relationship with God and whatever (name it) is good as everyone has one desire or another but desiring alone is not enough.
It is better off to go a step further by acquiring knowledge on how to go about what you desire.
Desires are like wishes. They don't become reality except you intentionally decide and work into making them realities.
You cannot work them into reality without KNOWLEDGE. Little wonder the bible expresses it clearly that desire without knowledge is not good, same way Faith without work is dead.
It's a new week family, a week with great prospects ushering us into a new month, the month of March. I want you to know that only desiring a thing wouldn't bring it to pass, it takes more than desire to bring anything to pass.
It takes knowledge and work to bring your desires to pass. Knowledge gives you a blue print of what you want and tells you how to go about it and how to work for it.
Desire alone will not give you an A in that course, reading (knowledge) will.
Desire alone will not give you a job, knowledge will.
Desire alone will not give you that intimacy with God, knowledge will.
Desire alone will not give you the kind of business you want, knowledge will.
Desire alone will not put food on your table, knowledge will.
Desire alone will not give you that voice and anointing you want, knowledge will.
Amidst desiring for stuffs, acquire knowledge. Knowledge will give you a clearer picture of what you desire and tell you what to do to bring your desires to reality.
Seek knowledge because DESIRE without KNOWLEDGE is DEAD.
Happy New Month FAM